Version 3.0 includes:
- Show all necessary info about the current flight on screen. It is not necessary to be able to see earlier flights while flying. When the user wants to look at his earlier flights the user can swipe up to reveal the table with earlier flights. Swiping down hides the table again.
- Using Task H (1, 2, 3, 4 Minutes flight) in the F3K discipline does a wrong calculation of the target time. Therefore the end-sound keeps playing after starting the flight. Solved now.
- Added task K (Big Ladder) to F3K where flights of 60s, 90s, 120s, 150s and 180s must be flown.
- Working time can now be stopped at the settings page (top right bar button) when the working time is automatically started with a press on a volume button. In settings, the "Start worktime with button" is then set to ON. Got it?
- I have used another system to capture the input from the volume buttons. This mechanism is switched off on the settings page, there you can change the volume using this same volume buttons. Also it is easier (works every time) to use the buttons from a headset as a 'remote control'
- Minor changes and improvements.